Burak Boyacioğlu’s MURI research on the hawkmoth was featured by the University of Washington Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics, in an article titled “Hawkmoth research yields lessons in agile flight”.

Burak is a Ph.D. student in the University of Washington’s Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics. He is part of Kristi Morgansen’s Nonlinear Dynamics and Control lab. Burak is researching how the hawkmoth (Manduca sexta) senses the environment. He says: “Hawkmoths are amazing. They’re extremely good at agile maneuvers and we’re trying to understand how such a small insect can be that clever.” The goal is that this information will inform how to build engineered systems that can sense more precisely and efficiently.

You can the full article, “Hawkmoth research yields lessons in agile flight” at the UW Aeronautics & Astronautics website. You can also learn more about the research of the AFOSR MURI on Neural-inspired Sparse Sensing and Control for Agile Flight.